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Out-of-state acceptance rate for Georgia Tech engineering?

Hey folks, I'm an out-of-state student wanting to apply to Georgia Tech's engineering program. What's the acceptance rate like for out-of-state applicants? Any advice is much appreciated!

11 months ago

Hey there! Unfortunately, Georgia Tech doesn't release specific acceptance rates for out-of-state students or particular programs. However, the overall acceptance rate for the university has been about 15-20% in recent years, and since engineering is a popular, well-regarded major and part of Georgia Tech's mission is to serve residents of the state of Georgia, it's safe to assume that the rate for out-of-state engineering applicants is lower - perhaps around 10%, or even in the high single digits, although that is just an estimate.

Ultimately, though, your own credentials are what matter, as many out-of-state engineering students are indeed accepted to Georgia Tech each year, despite the increased selectivity. To make your application stand out and increase your chances of gaining admission to the engineering program, focus on the following:

1. Academic excellence: Maintain a strong GPA and strive for a rigorous course load, including AP and honors classes in mathematics, science, and other STEM-related subjects.

2. Standardized test scores: Unlike many other institutions, which have implemented test-optional policies in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, Georgia Tech is requiring all applicants to submit either the SAT or ACT. So, it will be worth your while to invest time and energy into aiming for a high score on one of these two exams, especially given the highly competitive admissions process you'll be entering.

3. Extracurricular activities: Get involved in engineering-related activities and clubs, such as robotics, coding competitions, or research projects. Demonstrating your passion for engineering and showcasing leadership skills can help you stand out among other applicants. If you're looking to bolster your extracurricular involvement, CollegeVine's blog has some suggestions for reputable summer programs related to engineering that you might consider participating in:

4. Application essay: Make sure to invest time in crafting a strong essay that highlights your personal story, characteristics, and passion for engineering. This is your chance to showcase your perspective, experiences, and personal growth. You should also use your Georgia Tech-specific supplemental essay to highlight your particular fit for the institution - you can read more about how to do so on CollegeVine's blog:

5. Letters of recommendation: Secure strong letters of recommendation from teachers and mentors who can speak to your commitment to the field of engineering, your academic skills, and your capacity for success in the program.

Best of luck with your application to Georgia Tech - remember not to get overwhelmed by the numbers, and instead focus on what you can control!

11 months ago

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