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Strong majors at Williams College?

Hey guys! I've been considering applying to Williams College and I'm curious about what majors they're particularly well-known for. Any insight would be greatly appreciated!

9 months ago

Hello! Williams College is known for offering a great liberal arts education, with a range of strong majors. Some standout programs at Williams include:

1. Economics: Economics is one of the most popular majors at Williams, with a rigorous curriculum and renowned faculty members. The department prepares students for careers in various fields, including finance, government, and academia.

2. Mathematics and Statistics: The mathematics and statistics department at Williams is well-known for its small class sizes, excellent faculty, and research opportunities for students. If you're especially interested in both Williams and math, Williams College Math Camp (WCMC) is a summer program for mathematically talented high school students.

3. Political Science: Williams' political science department has a strong reputation, with many faculty members who are experts in their respective fields. Students have opportunities to participate in research, internships, and related extracurricular activities.

4. Art History: Williams' art history program has a rich history and is known for its high-quality course offerings, experienced faculty, and extensive resources, including the campus's art museum and nearby institutions like Mass MoCA and the Clark Art Institute.

5. Biology and Environmental Science: Williams has a well-regarded biology program that provides students with opportunities for independent research and internships. The environmental science program is also strong, and offers interdisciplinary courses, outdoor fieldwork, and research opportunities.

6. English: The English department at Williams is known for its diverse course offerings, accomplished faculty, and opportunities for students to engage with literature in various forms, such as writing workshops and literary magazines.

These are just a few examples of the strong majors at Williams College. While these departments stand out, keep in mind that Williams is an excellent liberal arts college, and you should find quality courses and support in any major you choose, so don't be afraid to do a little more digging even if your area of interest isn't listed above! Best of luck with your college search!

9 months ago

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