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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Defining a 'selective' college

I've seen the term 'selective college' thrown around a lot during the college search process, but I'm not entirely clear on what it means. What makes a college 'selective'? Is it just the acceptance rate or do other factors come into play? How do I know if I should be aiming for selective colleges?

9 months ago

A 'selective college' typically refers to a school with a relatively low acceptance rate and high academic standards, meaning that it is more competitive and harder to gain admission. While the acceptance rate is often the primary determinant when classifying a college as selective, other factors do come into play.

Beyond acceptance rate, factors that can contribute to a college's selectivity include the overall quality of its academic programs, student body, and faculty. Additionally, selective colleges may have higher expectations regarding standardized test scores, GPA, and other achievements. A greater emphasis on extracurricular activities, achievements, and leadership skills can also characterize selective colleges.

To determine if you should be aiming for selective colleges, you'll want to assess your academic and extracurricular profile in comparison to that of the admitted students at these schools. You can research colleges online to find their average acceptance rates, test scores, and GPA ranges. Remember, though, that these are just averages, and each student's circumstances are unique.

It's important to construct a well-balanced college list that includes several "reach," "match," and "safety" schools. "Reach" schools are those with lower probabilities of acceptance, "match" schools have admissions criteria that align with your profile, and "safety" schools are those with higher probabilities of acceptance.

Including selective schools in your list can be beneficial, as long as they align with your goals and interests, but make sure to maintain a balanced approach that keeps your options open.

Ultimately, your ideal college match will depend on factors beyond selectivity, such as the school's size, location, campus culture, academic programs, and available resources. As you explore your options, prioritize finding colleges that best align with your personal and academic goals, whether or not they fall under the "selective" label.

9 months ago

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