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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What are the best resources for college application help?

Hi everyone! I'm starting to work on my college applications, and I'm looking for some helpful resources. What are the best websites, books, or other resources you've used to help with your own college applications? Any recommendations would be awesome. Thanks!

a year ago

Hey there! It's great that you're starting to work on your college applications. There are indeed a lot of helpful resources out there to guide you through the process. When my child was applying for colleges, we found a few websites and books extremely useful. Here are some recommendations:

1. The College Board ( - This website has a wealth of information on colleges, scholarships, and the application process. You can also prepare for the SAT and ACT tests here.

2. The Common Application ( - This is an online platform where you can fill out one application and submit it to multiple colleges. It's a real time-saver.

3. The Fiske Guide to Colleges - This book provides detailed profiles of hundreds of colleges, including student feedback, campus life, and academic ratings.

4. College Essay Guy ( - This website offers guidance on writing your college essays, with lots of examples and advice.

I hope these resources help you as much as they helped my child. Good luck with your applications!

a year ago

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