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Georgetown admitted students: what did your application look like?

Hello everyone! For those who were admitted to Georgetown, can you share your experiences? What did your application look like in terms of grades, extracurriculars, essays, etc.? I'm looking for some insight to help me with my application process.

11 months ago

Hello! While I am not an admitted Georgetown student, I can provide some general advice and observations from successful Georgetown applicants I've been aware of. Keep in mind that everyone's application is unique, but here's a rough overview of what successful applicants typically have:

1. Solid Academics: Your GPA and SAT/ACT should be competitive when compared to the incoming class. For Georgetown, that means having a GPA above 4.0 (weighted) and an SAT score above 1470 or an ACT score above 33. Make sure to take a rigorous course load, including AP, IB, or honors classes to demonstrate strong academic capabilities.

2. Strong Extracurriculars: These should showcase your passion, commitment, and leadership capabilities. Successful applicants usually have a mix of Tier 1-3 extracurriculars (see the prompt for descriptions), showing prowess in their chosen field(s) along with other diverse interests.

3. Essays: Focus on crafting compelling, cohesive essays that tell a story about you, your experiences, and your perspectives. Georgetown-specific essays, like the supplemental essays about your desired school or major, warrant special attention. Make sure to research Georgetown's values, programs, and unique opportunities, and tailor your responses accordingly.

4. Recommendations: Request recommendation letters from teachers and counselors who know you well and can speak to your character, academic abilities, and extracurricular involvement. Strong recommendations can help give the admissions committee a better sense of who you are and your potential to succeed.

5. Demonstrated Interest: Showing an interest in the school might help boost your candidacy. If possible, schedule a campus visit, attend college fairs or virtual events, and engage with the university on social media. Research Georgetown-specific programs you would like to be a part of and mention them in your essays.

6. Leadership & Initiative: Show your capacity for leadership and passion for initiating change. You could showcase this through leading clubs, organizing community events, or launching projects in your field of interest.

7. Georgetown School-Specific Requirements: Be sure to pay attention to each school's unique requirements within Georgetown University (like the School of Foreign Service or the McDonough School of Business). Those schools may have additional criteria you should consider when applying.

Finally, remember that Georgetown takes a holistic approach to admissions, meaning they will review your application in its entirety and there is no magic formula for acceptance. Focus on presenting an authentic, well-rounded representation of yourself – one that showcases your strengths, passions, and aspirations. Best of luck with your application process!

11 months ago

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