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Thoughts on St. John's College?

Hi, everyone! I recently came across St. John's College, and I'm quite intrigued by its unique curriculum. Could anyone provide some insights on the college's strengths, overall student experience, and how it compares to other liberal arts colleges?

9 months ago

St. John's College is known for its distinctive curriculum, which is based on the Great Books Program. This means that students read and discuss foundational texts in history, literature, philosophy, and science, rather than following a traditional major-based structure. The curriculum emphasizes critical thinking, writing, and discussion skills. It also provides opportunities for students to engage with a wide range of subjects, fostering intellectual curiosity and a well-rounded knowledge base.

The academic experience at St. John's is quite different compared to most other liberal arts colleges. Courses are all seminar-style, with students actively participating in discussions, asking questions, and exploring ideas together. There's a strong sense of community among students, as everyone is following the same curriculum. This creates an environment where intellectual conversations often continue outside the classroom. St. John's also has a strong emphasis on developing close relationships between faculty and students.

The size of the college, with campuses in Annapolis, Maryland, and Santa Fe, New Mexico, is relatively small, which may be a plus for students who prefer a tight-knit community and personalized attention. However, the unique curriculum may not be the right fit for everyone, particularly for those interested in pursuing specialized majors or pre-professional tracks typically found at other liberal arts colleges.

As for the overall student experience, St. John's offers a variety of extracurricular activities, including clubs, sports, and arts. The college also emphasizes experiential learning through study abroad programs, internships, and community outreach projects. However, the focus remains on the Great Books Program, so the extracurricular offerings may not be as extensive as at larger schools or more traditional liberal arts colleges.

Regarding post-graduation outcomes, St. John's graduates often pursue a diverse range of career paths, as the curriculum equips them with critical thinking, communication, and analytical skills that are highly transferable. Some graduates go on to pursue advanced degrees, while others find careers in fields such as education, business, law, journalism, and technology.

In conclusion, if you're drawn to a curriculum that challenges you to deeply engage with great works of Western civilization and fosters an environment of intellectual exploration, St. John's College might be a great fit. Keep in mind, however, that its unconventional approach may not cater to the same range of interests and academic fields as offered by traditional liberal arts institutions. It's important to carefully consider your goals and preferences before deciding if this unique college experience is right for you.

9 months ago

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