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Sending AP scores to colleges, how does it work?

Hey guys, I've got a question about sending AP scores to colleges. How exactly do we do this? Do we send them directly through College Board or does our high school handle it? Also, is there a fee involved?

9 months ago

Hey there! Sending your AP scores to colleges is a pretty straightforward process. You'll need to do it through the College Board website, as your high school generally doesn't handle this part.

Here's a quick guide on how to send your AP scores:

1. Go to the College Board website and sign in to your account.

2. Click on "AP Scores" to view the scores you'd like to send.

3. Select "Send Your Scores" and follow the prompts to choose which colleges you'd like to send your scores to.

4. Confirm your selections and make any additional changes if needed before finally submitting your request.

There is a fee involved in sending your AP scores, usually around $15 per score report per college. However, during the exam registration, you have the option to choose one college or university to receive your scores for free. This choice must be made by the deadline specified by the College Board, usually around mid-June. After that date, you'll need to pay the fee for each score report you send.

Keep in mind that for most selective colleges, AP scores aren't a significant factor in the admissions process. The AP courses you take and the grades you get in them are more important, as they demonstrate your course rigor. That said, AP scores can still be considered in a more holistic way, or they may be used for placement or credit purposes once you're admitted.

I hope this helps! Good luck with your college applications!

9 months ago

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