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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Easy-to-get-into colleges with a solid education?

Hi! I'm a high school junior and I'm curious to know if there are any colleges that are relatively easy to get into, but still provide a good education. Are there hidden gems that you guys can recommend? Thanks!

11 months ago

Certainly! There are many colleges that provide a quality education without being exceptionally difficult to get into. Here's a selection of schools that you might consider "hidden gems":

1. University of Alabama: A public research university, this school offers strong programs across many disciplines and boasts a beautiful campus. Additionally, they have a fairly high acceptance rate and offer generous scholarships.

2. College of Wooster: This small liberal arts college in Ohio is known for its commitment to undergraduate research and personalized education. While it's not extremely selective, it still has an impressive track record for its graduates' success.

3. St. Olaf College: Located in Minnesota, St. Olaf College is a liberal arts college with a strong focus on the sciences, as well as music and theater arts. They offer small class sizes and a close-knit community, with above-average outcomes for their graduates.

4. SUNY Binghamton: A public research university in New York, SUNY Binghamton provides a quality education with a more relaxed admission process. They have a wide range of majors and a strong focus on research, particularly in STEM fields.

5. Willamette University: This small liberal arts college in Oregon is known for its intimate class sizes and strong academic programs. With a higher acceptance rate than many comparable institutions, it's definitely worth considering.

6. Loyola University New Orleans: A Jesuit university with a diverse curriculum, Loyola University New Orleans is well-regarded for its strong programs in the arts and social sciences, while maintaining a relatively high acceptance rate.

These are just a handful of the many excellent schools out there that are easier to get into but still provide a high-quality education. To find other options, consider looking at each institution's program offerings, class sizes, extracurricular opportunities, and postgraduate outcomes to see if they align with your interests and goals. Best of luck in your search!

11 months ago

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