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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What should I include in my college essay?

Hey guys, I'm starting to think about my college essays and I'm not sure what to write about. What are colleges looking for in an essay? Are there any topics I should avoid? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hey there! It's great that you're starting to think about your college essays. From my experience with my own child, colleges are looking for essays that showcase your personality, values, and experiences. They want to get a sense of who you are beyond your grades and test scores. So, try to pick a topic that is personal and meaningful to you, and use it to tell a story about yourself. As for topics to avoid, it's generally a good idea to stay away from controversial subjects like politics and religion, as well as any topic that might come across as negative or complaining. Also, avoid writing about cliché subjects like winning a big game or your trip abroad, unless you can put a unique spin on it. Instead, focus on an aspect of your life that highlights your growth, resilience, or passion for something. Good luck with your essays!

a year ago

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