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Colleges with Animal Behavior majors?

I'm super interested in animal behavior and want to major in it when I go to college. Does anyone know of colleges that offer animal behavior as a major? Any advice would be appreciated!

11 months ago

There are several colleges in the United States that offer animal behavior as a major or concentration. Here's a list of some of the institutions where you can pursue this major:

1. Bucknell University (Lewisburg, Pennsylvania) - offers a Bachelor of Science in Animal Behavior.

2. Indiana University - Bloomington (Bloomington, Indiana) - offers an undergraduate major in Animal Behavior through its College of Arts and Sciences.

3. Canisius College (Buffalo, New York) - offers a Bachelor of Science in Animal Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation.

4. Franklin & Marshall College (Lancaster, Pennsylvania) - offers a major in Animal Behavior through the biology and psychology departments.

5. Hampshire College (Amherst, Massachusetts) - has a School of Cognitive Science where students can design a major focusing on animal behavior.

6. Millersville University (Millersville, Pennsylvania) - offers a Bachelor of Science in Biology with a concentration in Animal Behavior.

Pay attention to each college's curriculum and research opportunities when deciding where to apply, as these may vary considerably between institutions. Additionally, some schools may not offer a dedicated animal behavior major but do have strong programs in related fields such as zoology, biology, or psychology with an option to focus your coursework and research on animal behavior.

If possible, visit the campuses and connect with faculty and current students to get a better sense of the program and research opportunities in animal behavior. This will give you an idea of which college is the best fit for your interests and career goals. Good luck in your college search!

11 months ago

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