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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What does a high GPA look like?

Hey everyone! I've been wondering, what's considered a 'high' GPA in the context of college admissions? Different schools have different scales and weighting systems, so I'm not really sure how to determine if mine is considered good enough for competitive colleges. Thanks in advance!

11 months ago

Hi there! A high GPA typically means a student is performing well academically and is taking a challenging course load that includes Honors, AP, or IB classes. It's important to understand that colleges look at two main components of your GPA: your unweighted GPA and your weighted GPA.

An unweighted GPA is based on a 4.0 scale, where an A is 4.0, a B is 3.0, and so on. In the context of college admissions, a high unweighted GPA would generally be around 3.7 or higher. This means that a student is consistently earning A's and B's, with more A's than B's. A 4.0 unweighted GPA is considered perfect, as the student has earned straight A's.

A weighted GPA, on the other hand, takes into account the rigor of the courses a student has taken. Honors, AP, and IB classes are usually given a higher weight (5.0 or 6.0, depending on the school's scale) to account for the additional challenge these classes present. A high weighted GPA can vary greatly depending on the specific school, but a general benchmark for a high weighted GPA would be around 4.5 or higher, as this would indicate that the student is taking challenging classes and performing well in them.

It's important to note that many colleges recalculate your GPA using their own standards and often consider grade trends (whether your grades have improved or worsened over time). Moreover, colleges are well aware of different schools' scales and weighting systems, so they will evaluate your GPA within the context of your individual school.

To determine if your GPA is competitive for top colleges, take a look at the colleges' admissions statistics or use resources like CollegeVine or Naviance, if your school provides access to them. These tools can help you compare your GPA with those of admitted students at your target schools. Ultimately, while a high GPA is important, it's just one of many factors that colleges consider in their review process.

11 months ago

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