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What are some great title ideas for college essays?

Hey everyone! I'm working on my college application essays and having a tough time choosing the right title. Any suggestions or guidelines on creating an engaging title? Thanks in advance!

11 months ago

Hello! Coming up with an engaging title for your college essay is an important step because it can grab the reader's attention and set the tone for the rest of your essay. Here are some guidelines and ideas to help you get started:

1. Keep it simple and to the point: A concise and relevant title piques the reader's interest without revealing too much about the essay's content.

2. Use a specific and memorable phrase: If your essay has a unique or significant phrase that encapsulates its message, consider using it as your title. This helps create a strong connection between the title and essay.

3. Incorporate wordplay or puns: When used appropriately, witty wordplay or a clever pun can make your title stand out. Make sure it's not too cheesy and still relates to your essay content.

4. Employ a literary device: You could use alliteration, assonance, or parallelism to create a catchy title. For example, "Sailing the Storm: Navigating Life's Challenges" employs alliteration and a metaphor.

5. Pose a question: A thought-provoking question related to your essay's message or theme can engage the reader and encourage them to find the answer in your essay.

Here are a few title examples based on the guidelines above:

- "Fighting for Justice: My Journey as an Activist"

- "Finding Balance: The Impact of Yoga on My Life"

- "Don't We Deserve Education?"

- "The Hidden Beauty of Math"

- "Kitchen Chronicles with My Grandmother"

Remember to tailor the title to your essay's content and tone. It's essential to stay genuine and true to your voice while making it creative and engaging. Good luck with your college applications!

11 months ago

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