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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Oceanfront colleges?

I absolutely love the ocean, and I'm trying to find colleges that sit right on the coast with some gorgeous views. Can you guys suggest any schools that meet this criteria?

9 months ago

Sure, there are several oceanfront colleges that offer beautiful coastal views. Here's a list of some schools that you might want to consider:

1. Pepperdine University (Malibu, CA): Located on top of bluffs overlooking the Pacific Ocean, Pepperdine boasts stunning ocean views and scenic surroundings.

2. University of California, Santa Barbara (Santa Barbara, CA): With its campus directly on the coastline, UCSB offers fantastic beach access and outstanding views of the Pacific Ocean.

3. University of San Diego (San Diego, CA): USD's campus sits on a hill with sweeping views of Mission Bay and the Pacific Ocean, providing a breathtaking setting for your college experience.

4. University of Rhode Island (Kingston, RI): Especially the Bay Campus, which overlooks the picturesque Narragansett Bay, is known for its coastal environment and ocean views.

5. Eckerd College (St. Petersburg, FL): Situated on a waterfront peninsula along Tampa Bay, Eckerd College offers a picturesque campus with lovely ocean views and beaches nearby.

6. Endicott College (Beverly, MA): Located on the Massachusetts coast, Endicott's campus features amazing coastal views and easy access to nearby beaches.

7. College of Charleston (Charleston, SC): Located near the historic downtown area and close to several beaches, College of Charleston offers a taste of coastal living.

8. University of Miami (Coral Gables, FL): With its beautiful campus just minutes away from sparkling beaches, the University of Miami provides a tropical and coastal atmosphere.

9. California State University, Monterey Bay (Seaside, CA): With its campus located near the Pacific Ocean, CSUMB provides students with stunning ocean views and a relaxed coastal lifestyle.

10. Salve Regina University (Newport, RI): Situated on Rhode Island's Aquidneck Island, Salve Regina offers oceanfront beauty combined with a picturesque, historic campus.

9 months ago

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