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SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How to Avoid the Unhappiest Colleges?

Hello everyone, as a junior starting to think about colleges, I want to avoid schools where students tend to be unhappy. Can anyone share some of the unhappiest colleges or any factors I should watch out for during my search? Thanks a lot!

11 months ago

Hi there! It's wise to consider the happiness of students at colleges on your list because it does play a significant role in your overall experience. It's crucial to remember that what makes a college a good fit vastly depends on the individual. Keep these factors in mind when evaluating a college's atmosphere and overall happiness factor:

1. Campus culture: Some campuses are competitive, while others foster collaboration and a supportive environment. Attend open houses or campus tours, and talk to current students to get a feel for the culture before applying.

2. Location and weather: Do you thrive in a city atmosphere, or do you prefer a rural or suburban setting? Also, consider climate—some students are more content in sunnier areas or with distinct seasons.

3. Support systems: Look for schools with strong academic support and mental health resources. Colleges that prioritize student well-being usually offer better access to advisors, tutors, and counseling services.

4. Class size and faculty interaction: Smaller class sizes and accessible professors can contribute to a positive academic experience. Larger schools might feel more impersonal, with students potentially feeling lost in lecture halls.

5. Extracurriculars and on-campus activities: A vibrant student life can significantly impact happiness and social integration. Check if the colleges on your list have clubs, events, or sports teams that align with your interests.

6. Financial aid and affordability: Financial stress can heavily influence happiness. Make sure to check for generous aid packages, merit-based scholarships, or work-study programs at the schools you're considering.

7. Workload and academic rigor: While challenging courses can lead to rewarding experiences, an overly demanding workload might negatively impact happiness. Research the academic expectations at each college and determine if they align with your desires.

Remember, what works for one student might not work for another. While researching, prioritize aligning your personality, preferences, and goals with the schools you're applying to, and you'll likely find a great fit! Good luck with your college search!

11 months ago

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