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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Share your college stories?

Hi everyone! I'm curious about what college life is like. Would anyone be willing to share their funny, exciting, or just plain interesting college stories? Would love to hear them!

9 months ago

While I won't be sharing personal stories, I can definitely provide some general experiences that many students often have during their time in college. This will give you an idea of some of the interesting and memorable moments you might experience during your college journey:

1. Late-Night Study Sessions: You'll likely become quite familiar with the library, where you'll end up spending long hours studying, drinking coffee, and bonding with friends over shared coursework or upcoming exams.

2. Club Involvement: College offers a multitude of clubs and organizations to join, from dance troupes to community service groups. Many students find lifelong friends and create cherished memories through these extracurricular activities.

3. Spontaneous Adventures: Due to the independence and flexibility that college life offers, you might find yourself going on impromptu road trips or exploring the town with friends in between classes. These memorable experiences are often cherished by students long after they graduate.

4. Game Days: Depending on which college you attend, you may have the opportunity to take part in school-wide game days, sporting events, or tailgates. These events create a lot of excitement and provide a chance for the entire campus community to come together and show school spirit.

5. Study Abroad: Many students choose to study abroad during their college experience. This could lead to unforgettable memories, as you'll immerse yourself in a new culture and make international friends while learning and exploring new places.

6. Professors and Mentors: College often introduces you to inspirational professors, researchers, or mentors who end up having a significant impact on your life. The stories and experiences gathered from those connections can be life-changing and influential long after graduation.

The college experience is unique for everyone, but the common thread is that it's often marked by a mix of academic, social, and personal growth experiences that shape the person you become in the future. Enjoy the journey!

9 months ago

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