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Looking for colleges with great creative writing programs

Hi all! I'm an aspiring writer, and I'm starting to search for colleges. My main focus is creative writing, so I want to find a college with a strong writing program. Any suggestions from fellow writers or anyone who has done research on this?

9 months ago

Hey there! It's great to hear that you're an aspiring writer looking for colleges with strong creative writing programs. I'm happy to help you with some suggestions:

1. Iowa Writers' Workshop at the University of Iowa: This is one of the most prestigious creative writing programs in the United States. Well-known alumni include Flannery O'Connor and John Irving. They offer an MFA in creative writing, as well as undergraduate courses and workshops for those who major or minor in English.

2. Columbia University: Columbia offers a fantastic creative writing program through their School of the Arts. They provide a vibrant community of writers, artists, and scholars, along with a challenging curriculum in fiction, poetry, and nonfiction.

3. New York University (NYU): NYU has an excellent creative writing program with well-regarded faculty and ample opportunities for workshops, readings, and collaborations. You can pursue an undergraduate major or minor in creative writing, as well as a high-level MFA program.

4. Emerson College: Located in Boston, Emerson has a major in creative writing that allows students to work not only in fiction and poetry, but also in genres like screenwriting and playwriting.

5. Kenyon College: Known for its strong focus on undergraduate writing, Kenyon offers a variety of writing courses and hosts the prestigious Kenyon Review literary magazine. Their program helps students gain a solid foundation in creative writing while providing plenty of opportunities for mentorship and publication.

6. Oberlin College: Oberlin's creative writing program combines a rigorous curriculum with personalized attention from faculty and offers opportunities for students to participate in the esteemed Oberlin Review literary magazine.

7. Hamilton College: Hamilton has a dedicated creative writing major, which focuses on honing craft in various genres and improving critical reading and writing skills. Additionally, they host an annual literary festival that features readings and masterclasses.

These are just a few examples of colleges with fantastic creative writing programs, and there are many more out there. When choosing a college, you should consider factors like location, campus culture, financial aid options, and additional extracurricular opportunities that align with your interests. Good luck in your college search and your writing journey!

9 months ago

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