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Help! How do I remove colleges from my CSS Profile?

I've selected some colleges on my CSS Profile, but now I've changed my mind about applying to them. How do I remove them from my profile? Is there a deadline before which I need to make these changes?

a year ago

First, don't worry! Removing colleges from your CSS Profile is a pretty straightforward process. To remove colleges from your CSS Profile, follow these steps:

1. Log in to your College Board account.

2. Click on "CSS Profile" under "My Applications."

3. Locate the "Colleges/Programs" section, which lists the colleges you've already added.

4. To remove a college, simply locate the college you want to remove and click the "Remove" button next to that college's entry.

Keep in mind that once you've submitted your CSS Profile, you won't be able to remove any colleges. You can only remove colleges before submitting your application. However, if you've already submitted and still want to stop a college from receiving your CSS Profile, try reaching out to the college's financial aid office and request them not to consider your application. But there's no guarantee that they will comply with your request.

As for the deadline, the CSS Profile itself doesn't have a specific deadline for making changes. However, it's important to be aware of the individual financial aid deadlines for the schools you are applying to. It's best to remove any undesired schools from your profile before these deadlines, so there's no confusion regarding your application. Always double-check the financial aid deadlines on each college's website to ensure you don't miss any important dates!

I hope this helps! Good luck with your college application process.

a year ago

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