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Where can I study Archaeology?

Hi everyone! I'm thinking about majoring in archaeology, but I'm having trouble finding colleges that offer it. Can you guys suggest some colleges with archaeology majors? Thanks!

11 months ago

Sure! There are many colleges and universities that offer archaeology as a major or a closely related field like anthropology with an archaeology concentration. Here's a list of some schools to look into:

1. Harvard University – The Department of Anthropology offers a focus on archaeology, covering both Old and New World archaeology.

2. Yale University – Yale's Department of Anthropology also includes a strong archaeology program, with a particular emphasis on the ancient Americas and Mediterranean world.

3. University of Pennsylvania – Penn's Anthropology Department has a dedicated archaeology program, and the Penn Museum boasts an extensive collection of artifacts from across the world.

4. University of California, Berkeley – UC Berkeley's Anthropology Department provides opportunities to study archaeology, focusing on various regions, such as Africa, the Americas, and East Asia.

5. Brown University – Brown's Department of Anthropology and the Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World offer great resources for archaeology students.

6. University of Chicago – The Oriental Institute and the Department of Anthropology at the University of Chicago are renowned for their archaeology programs, with a focus on ancient Near Eastern civilizations.

7. Stanford University – Stanford's Archaeology Program covers a broad range of geographical areas, from North and South America to Asia and Africa.

8. Cornell University – Cornell's Archaeology program within the Department of Anthropology allows students to focus on topics like ancient civilizations, art, and architecture.

9. University of Michigan – The Interdepartmental Program in Classical Art and Archaeology at Michigan is well-regarded, with faculty specializing in Greek and Roman art and archaeology.

10. University of Texas, Austin – UT Austin's Department of Anthropology includes an archaeology program that allows students to explore both prehistoric and historic cultures.

Keep in mind that availability of archaeology courses and resources can vary greatly between institutions, so I recommend looking into each school's specific programs, faculty, geographical focus, and research opportunities. Don't forget to visit their websites to learn more about the offered courses and other resources available for students pursuing a degree in archaeology. Good luck with your college search!

11 months ago

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