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Popular Sports at Harvard?

Hey all, I'm considering applying to Harvard in the near future. I'm curious about the sports aspect of the university. What sports are Harvard most well-known for? Any teams I should be keeping an eye on?

11 months ago

Hello! Harvard has a strong athletic program with a multitude of varsity sports teams, as well as club and intramural sports. While the athletic program supports a variety of sports, some teams are more well-known and successful than others.

Historically, Harvard's rowing teams have been quite successful and well-known. Both the men's and women's teams have won numerous national championships, and the annual Harvard-Yale Regatta is a longstanding tradition that showcases the rivalry between the two universities in this sport.

Another popular sport at Harvard is ice hockey, with both the men's and women's teams typically performing well. They have often made it to the NCAA championships, and the men's team has four NCAA championships to their name.

Additionally, Harvard's basketball teams have grown in prominence in recent years. The men's basketball team has made appearances in the NCAA tournament, giving the school more recognition in this sport.

While these sports tend to be the most popular at Harvard, it's essential to remember that there are many different sports and teams at the university across various levels of competitiveness. As a prospective student, you might explore and support any team based on your interests or even consider joining a club/intramural level of sports to participate in during your college experience.

Overall, Harvard takes pride in creating a well-rounded environment that supports both academics and athletics, so there's plenty to be excited about when it comes to sports at the university.

11 months ago

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