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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Need advice: questions to ask during a college interview

Hey everyone, I have a college interview coming up and I know they'll ask if I have any questions at the end. Can you guys recommend some unique questions I can ask my interviewer that reflect my genuine interest in the school and help me stand out from other applicants? Thanks a bunch!

9 months ago

I'm glad you're preparing for your college interview! It's essential to have a few thoughtful questions to ask your interviewer at the end of the session. Here are some unique questions that demonstrate your genuine interest in the school and can help you stand out:

1. Could you share a memorable experience you had as a student at [College Name]? (if the interviewer is an alum) This question helps you connect with the interviewer on a personal level and also gives you insight into student life.

2. In your opinion, what are some unique aspects of the college's academic or extracurricular programs that distinguish it from other similar institutions? This question shows you're looking for more than just surface-level information.

3. How does [College Name] support students' pursuit of research opportunities or internships within their field of study, particularly for undergraduates? This question demonstrates your interest in taking advantage of the college's resources and getting hands-on experience in your chosen field.

4. What type of initiatives or programs does the college offer in terms of promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion on campus? This shows that you value a diverse and inclusive environment and that you're interested in how the college supports these values.

5. Are there any specific campus traditions or annual events that students look forward to each year? By asking this question, you're showing interest in becoming an active participant in campus life and engaging in the college's culture.

6. How does [College Name] help students find a balance between academics and extracurriculars, especially in the first year? This question demonstrates that you're looking for a well-rounded college experience and are aware of the importance of time management.

Remember to tailor your questions to the specific college and your interests, as this will help you demonstrate sincerity and curiosity. Good luck with your interview!

9 months ago

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