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Top colleges for writing degrees?

Hey everyone! I'm passionate about creative writing, and I'm trying to figure out which colleges offer the best programs for writing degrees. Any suggestions or personal experiences would be really helpful in my search!

9 months ago

Hi there! It's great to know that you're passionate about creative writing. I've compiled a list of some top colleges known for their strong writing programs, particularly in creative writing. Keep in mind that these colleges might emphasize different aspects of writing, so make sure to research each program to see which would be the best fit for you.

1. University of Iowa: Home to the prestigious Iowa Writers' Workshop, one of the oldest and most respected graduate creative writing programs in the US.

2. Columbia University: Offers undergraduate and graduate programs in creative writing, known for its diverse faculty and rigorous workshop-based approach.

3. New York University: Hosts the renowned Creative Writing Program, with workshops in fiction, nonfiction, and poetry.

4. Brown University: Known for its Literary Arts program, an innovative, multi-genre program for students interested in fiction, nonfiction, and poetry.

5. Johns Hopkins University: Features the Writing Seminars, a program emphasizing both creative writing and critical analysis of literature.

6. Kenyon College: This liberal arts college boasts a strong creative writing program with opportunities for workshops, internships, and publication in their literary magazine.

7. Oberlin College: Creative Writing major combines intensive workshops with classes in literature, offering students opportunities to develop their skills in multiple genres.

8. Stanford University: Offers an undergraduate major in English with an emphasis in Creative Writing, which includes workshops with accomplished writers.

9. University of Michigan-Ann Arbor: The Helen Zell Writers' Program is a highly-ranked graduate program in creative writing, while the undergraduate program offers a strong writing focus within the English major.

10. Emerson College: Known for its diverse writing programs, Emerson offers a BFA in Creative Writing focusing on the development of voice, character, and form across genres.

Remember, the right program for you will depend on your goals, writing style, and learning preferences. Look into the curriculums, faculty profiles, and opportunities for workshops, internships, and publications at each school. Also, consider visiting the campuses or attending open house events to get a sense of the writing community and how it might support your aspirations. Good luck with your college search!

9 months ago

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