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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Thoughts on Dallas College?

Hi everyone, I've been looking into Dallas College lately and I wanted to know if anyone here has any experience or reviews to share? Just trying to gather more information before I decide if it's the right fit for me. Thanks!

9 months ago

Hey there! Dallas College, formerly known as the Dallas County Community College District, offers a wide range of academic programs and certificates. It's a solid option if you're seeking an affordable education, as community college tuition tends to be lower than that of four-year universities. Plus, Dallas College has multiple campuses across the Dallas area, making it more accessible for those living in the region.

Many students choose Dallas College as a starting point to complete general education courses or pursue an associate's degree before transferring to a four-year institution. The college has articulation agreements with several universities, which can make transferring credits a smoother process. Be sure to research your desired four-year university's transfer policies so you can plan your courses accordingly.

Dallas College also offers technical and vocational programs in various fields, such as health care, information technology, and business. These programs can lead to certifications and skills necessary for specific job markets. The college also emphasizes workforce development, offering resources and support services to help students find employment upon completion of their program.

The faculty at Dallas College have diverse backgrounds and are invested in student success. Class sizes at community colleges are typically smaller, so many students appreciate the more personalized attention and support they receive from their instructors.

Dallas College has clubs and organizations that cater to a variety of interests, which is an excellent opportunity to engage with the college community and develop leadership skills.

Overall, Dallas College can be a great option if you're looking for an affordable education with flexible learning options and a supportive academic environment. Your experience will depend on the program you choose, the professors you connect with, and the effort you put into your studies and extracurricular activities. Good luck in finding the right fit for you!

9 months ago

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