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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How much weight do colleges put on the SAT/ACT?

Hey all! I'm planning to take the SAT/ACT soon, and I was just wondering how important these test scores are in the college admissions process. Should I be really worried if my scores aren't super high? Any advice would be appreciated!

a year ago

Hi there! It's great that you're preparing for the SAT/ACT. The importance of these test scores in the college admissions process can vary depending on the school you're applying to. Generally, test scores are an important factor, but they're not the only aspect admissions officers consider. They also look at your GPA, extracurricular activities, recommendation letters, and personal essays. So, while having a high test score can undoubtedly help your application, it's not the sole determinant of your admission decision. Keep in mind that many colleges and universities have adopted a test-optional policy, especially during the pandemic, meaning they don't require SAT/ACT scores for admissions. If you feel that your scores don't reflect your true potential, you can still apply to such schools and focus on other aspects of your application. My advice would be to work hard, prepare well for the test, and do your best. But don't stress too much, as your overall application and personal qualities matter as much, if not more, than your test scores. Good luck!

a year ago

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