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How do high schoolers with no experience get into research labs?

Hey guys, I keep hearing about high school students doing research at labs, but I don't get it. Like, why would a lab let someone with no experience come in and work with them? How do these students even get these opportunities? If anyone has any tips on how to get started with research in high school, I'd appreciate it. Thanks!

a year ago

It's true that many high school students manage to find research opportunities, even without prior experience. The key is to be proactive and genuinely interested in the research field. Here are some steps you can take:

1. Identify your interests: Determine the specific area of research you're passionate about to narrow down potential labs or researchers to approach.

2. Research local opportunities: Look for nearby universities, research centers, or professors conducting research in your area of interest.

3. Craft a compelling email: Write a concise, personalized email expressing your interest in the research and your eagerness to learn and contribute. Highlight any relevant skills, coursework, or extracurricular activities that might support your application.

4. Be persistent and professional: You may not receive a response right away, so don't be discouraged. Follow up politely if needed, and consider reaching out to multiple researchers.

Good luck!

a year ago

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