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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How does having a minor work in college?

Hey guys, I'm starting to think about potential majors for college, but I've also heard about minors. I'm pretty curious: how do they actually work? Can I choose any minor I want, or does it depend on my major? And how many additional classes would I need to take to earn a minor?

9 months ago

Hey! Choosing a major and a minor can be an exciting process, as it allows you to personalize your college course load according to your interests and future career aspirations.

A minor is a secondary field of study that complements your major. It typically requires fewer credits and courses than a major and allows you to gain knowledge and expertise in another subject. You can generally choose any minor you want, and it doesn't have to be directly related to your major. However, some programs might have specific prerequisite courses or requirements.

The number of additional classes required for a minor varies from one college to another and between academic departments. Typically, it amounts to about 5-10 courses (15-30 credit hours) in the chosen minor field. These courses often include a mixture of introductory and upper-level classes, allowing you to deepen your understanding of the subject. Keep in mind that the credits for a minor could be separate from your major and general education requirements, so it might extend the time it takes to graduate or lead to a heavier course load.

It's essential to plan your schedule carefully to accommodate the additional classes for your minor while ensuring you fulfill all the other graduation requirements. It can be helpful to work with your academic advisor, who can guide you on course selection and timeline to balance your major, minor, and general education classes.

Overall, pursuing a minor can help you expand your knowledge, diversify your skillset, and offer you additional opportunities for networking and career development. Good luck with your academic journey!

9 months ago

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