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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How can I demonstrate my passion for a subject in my college application?

Hey there! I'm a junior and I'm really passionate about a specific subject. I want to make sure that comes across in my college application. How can I effectively demonstrate my passion and commitment to a subject? Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks!

a year ago

Hi there! It's great to hear that you have a strong passion for a specific subject, and I understand why you'd want to showcase that in your college application. From my experience with my own child's application process, here are a few ways to effectively demonstrate your passion and commitment:

1. Essay: When writing your personal statement or supplemental essays, you can choose to focus on your passion for the subject. Share personal anecdotes and experiences that have helped shape your interest, and explain how this passion will contribute to your success in college and beyond.

2. Extracurricular activities: Participate in clubs, competitions, or other activities related to your subject. This will not only help you grow in your field but also show colleges that you're dedicated to pursuing it outside of the classroom.

3. Letters of recommendation: Ask teachers or mentors who are familiar with your passion to write letters of recommendation. Their perspective on your commitment can provide valuable insight for admissions officers.

4. Relevant coursework: Take advanced or specialized classes in your subject area, if possible. This shows that you're willing to challenge yourself academically and go above and beyond to explore your passion.

Hope these suggestions help you out, and best of luck with your college applications!

a year ago

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