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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Do I need a strong math background for computer science?

Hey everyone, I'm a junior interested in studying computer science in college, but I'm not the best at math. How strong of a math background do I need for a computer science major? Will I be at a disadvantage if my math skills aren't top-notch? Thanks for any advice!

a year ago

Hello! It's great to hear that you're interested in pursuing computer science as a major in college. While having a strong math background can certainly be helpful for a computer science major, it's not an absolute requirement for success. Computer science is a diverse field, and there are many branches that don't require high levels of math proficiency. However, some areas, like algorithms and data structures, may involve more mathematical concepts. It's important to be aware of the math requirements for the specific program you're interested in, as some universities may require certain math courses as prerequisites. If you find that your math skills need improvement, remember that practice and persistence can go a long way. You might consider working on your math skills over the summer or taking additional math courses in high school to help prepare yourself. Ultimately, your passion for computer science and your willingness to work hard to develop your skills will likely be more important than your current math abilities. Best of luck on your journey!

a year ago

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