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Animation Colleges in Georgia?

Hi there! I'm a junior in high school and planning to study animation in college. I'm looking for colleges in Georgia that offer a strong animation program. Anyone have suggestions for good schools in Georgia with animation degrees? Thanks for the help!

10 months ago

Hello! I'm glad you're considering studying animation in college. Georgia has a couple of great options for animation programs. The two most prominent schools in Georgia known for their strong animation programs are:

1. Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD): SCAD is well-known for its top-notch animation program. The school offers a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Animation, which allows you to explore various aspects of animation such as character design, 3D modeling, rigging, and more. SCAD has state-of-the-art facilities and a strong connection to the animation industry, providing internship and job opportunities for its students.

2. Georgia State University: Georgia State University offers a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Studio with a concentration in digital animation. This program focuses on digital arts and animation techniques, including 2D and 3D animation, as well as storyboarding and visual development. Georgia State also has strong connections to the film and animation industry in Atlanta, offering networking and professional development opportunities for its students.

Both of these schools have their unique strengths, and your decision may come down to personal preferences like location, campus environment, and cost. Be sure to research both programs thoroughly and visit their campuses, if possible, to determine which school is the best fit for you and your animation career goals. Good luck!

10 months ago

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