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Need help with canceling SAT score sends

Hi guys, I need to cancel my SAT scores being sent to some colleges. Anyone know how to go about this? Like, is it possible to cancel after sending the request or do I need to contact the colleges directly? Thanks for the help!

11 months ago

Hey there! If you've already submitted a request to send your SAT scores to colleges and you'd like to cancel this request, follow these steps:

1. Go to College Board's website, log in to your account, and locate the "Score Sends" section.

2. Check the status of your score sends. If the status is still "Pending" or "Not yet sent," there's a chance you can cancel the request. Keep in mind that it can take a few hours to a day for the status to update, so if you just submitted the request, it might not appear immediately.

3. If the status is cancelable, you should see a "Cancel" action or button next to the score send in question. Click on it and follow the steps to complete the cancellation process.

It's important to know that once the status of your score sends changes to "Sent" or "Complete," you won't be able to cancel the request through your College Board account. However, you could still try contacting the colleges directly and asking them to disregard your SAT scores. Keep in mind that there are no guarantees that a college will agree to do this, but it might be worth a shot if you feel it's important to prevent them from seeing the particular scores in question.

Lastly, remember that if you used free score sends that come with SAT registration, those are sent automatically to colleges and can't be canceled. The above information primarily applies to additional score sends that you paid for after initially registering for the test.

Good luck, and I hope this helps!

11 months ago

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