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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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School report for college applications - what is it?

Hi! I've been hearing about a 'school report' that's part of some college applications. Can someone explain what it is and what I need to do to get it submitted for my applications?

8 months ago

Hello! The school report is a crucial component of your college application process. It's a document prepared by your high school, typically by your guidance counselor, that provides an overview of your academic performance and accomplishments. The report also includes information about your high school's profile, curriculum, and grading system to give the colleges more context on your performance. In many cases, your counselor will also include a recommendation letter as part of the school report.

To get your school report submitted for your college applications, follow these steps:

1. Reach out to your high school guidance counselor: Speak with your counselor as early as possible to notify them about your college application plans and request their assistance in preparing the school report.

2. Provide necessary information: Offer your counselor any relevant details, such as a list of colleges you're applying to and their respective deadlines. This will help them understand the timeline and ensure your school report is submitted on time.

3. Ask about your school's procedure: Different schools may have slightly varying protocols for submitting school reports, so make sure you're aware of how your specific high school handles the process.

4. Stay in communication: Keep in touch with your counselor throughout the application process to ensure your school report is being worked on and submitted on time. You can also use this time to discuss any additional materials required for your applications, such as recommendation letters from other teachers.

5. Monitor application portals: After submitting your applications, track their status through the college's application portal to make sure all documents, including your school report, have been submitted and received by the colleges.

Remember that obtaining and submitting a school report is a collaborative effort between you and your school, so don't be afraid to ask for guidance and support from your counselor during the application process. Good luck!

8 months ago

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