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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How important are extracurriculars in college admissions?

Hey everyone! I'm a junior trying to plan out my extracurricular activities to strengthen my college application. I was wondering how much weight colleges give to extracurriculars and if there are any specific types that are more impressive to admissions officers? Thanks in advance! :)

a year ago

Hey there! Based on my experience with my child's college application process, extracurriculars do play a significant role in admissions. They help showcase your interests, passions, and commitment outside of academics. That being said, it's not just about the quantity of activities, but also the quality and your level of involvement in them. Colleges appreciate students who demonstrate leadership, dedication, and a genuine interest in their chosen activities. Instead of trying to do every extracurricular under the sun, focus on a few that truly resonate with you and give them your all. Remember, it's better to be deeply involved in a couple of activities than to be a superficial participant in many. Keep in mind that colleges look for well-rounded individuals, so it's great to have a mix of activities that show your diverse interests. Good luck with your planning, and I hope this helps! :)

a year ago

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