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| 800 verbal


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Do I need to take both the SAT and ACT for college admissions?

Hi there, I'm a junior and I've heard conflicting information about the SAT and ACT. Do I need to take both tests for college admissions, or is it okay to just take one of them? Which one do colleges prefer? Thanks in advance for your help!

a year ago

Hi! I understand the confusion around the SAT and ACT - it can be a bit overwhelming. In most cases, you don't need to take both tests. Colleges in the United States typically accept either the SAT or the ACT, and they don't have a preference for one over the other. So, it's really up to you to decide which test you feel more comfortable taking. My own child went through the college admissions process not too long ago, and he decided to take both tests, just to see which one he performed better on. After comparing his scores, he chose to submit the one he felt best represented his abilities. You can do the same if you're unsure which test suits you better. I recommend taking a few practice tests for both the SAT and the ACT to see which one feels more natural to you. Keep in mind that some colleges are also test-optional, meaning that they don't require SAT or ACT scores at all. It's always a good idea to research the specific requirements of the colleges you're interested in. Good luck with your testing and college search!

a year ago

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