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Accommodations for dyscalculia in college?

Hey guys, I have dyscalculia and I'm in the process of looking at colleges. I want to ensure I get the necessary academic accommodations. Do you know any colleges that are particularly good with providing support in this area? Thanks!

9 months ago

It's important to find a college that can provide the right level of support and accommodations for your dyscalculia. While most colleges are required by law to offer reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities, the quality and type of support can vary from one institution to another.

In general, you should look for colleges with a strong office of disability services or a similar department. Some of the things you should check for at the colleges you're interested in:

1. Accessibility of the disability services office: Make sure it is easy to find and communicate with the office. You want to ensure an open line of communication in case you need help or have concerns.

2. Accommodations offered: Inquire about the specific accommodations they provide for students with dyscalculia, such as extended test-taking time, use of calculators, alternative testing formats, or tutoring.

3. Availability of support services: Check if the college offers tutoring or academic coaching tailored to students with dyscalculia, or if they can connect you with peer mentors who have experience navigating the college experience with similar challenges.

4. Faculty and staff awareness: Ensure that the college provides faculty and staff members with training on specific learning disabilities like dyscalculia, so they are aware and understanding of the challenges students may face.

5. Success stories: Ask if the college can connect you with current or former students who have dyscalculia and can share their experiences or provide advice.

It's hard to pinpoint specific colleges that are known for their dyscalculia accommodations, as your experience will largely depend on the resources and support available at each institution. However, you can start your search by prioritizing schools with robust disability service offices and a clear commitment to accessibility.

Lastly, don't hesitate to reach out to the disability services offices at the schools you're considering. They can provide more information on their accommodations and support programs, as well as help guide you through the application process for requesting accommodations. Good luck in your college search!

9 months ago

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