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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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First quarter senior grades and early action?

Hey peeps, for those of you who applied for early action, do colleges see our first quarter senior grades when reviewing our applications? I just want to have an idea of what they'll be looking at when making decisions.

a year ago

Hello! When you apply Early Action, colleges typically receive your final junior year transcript, which includes your grades for freshman, sophomore, and junior years. However, it is worth noting that each school may handle it differently.

Some colleges ask for your first quarter senior grades if they feel more information is needed for a holistic evaluation or if your school's policy is to include them in your transcript. In such cases, your high school counselor usually sends your first quarter grades as soon as they become available. If your school uses the Common App or has a similar process, your counselor may submit a mid-year report that includes first quarter grades.

It's a good idea to check the specific policies of the colleges you're applying to for more accurate information on whether they'll be reviewing first quarter senior grades. Also, keep in mind that colleges might request them later in the admissions process, even if they don't initially ask for them. So, it's essential to maintain strong academic performance throughout your senior year.

Good luck with your Early Action applications!

a year ago

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