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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Is it okay to apply to a lot of colleges?

Hi everyone! I'm a junior and I've been researching colleges recently. I've found so many schools that I'm interested in, but I'm not sure if it's okay to apply to a large number of them. How many colleges do people typically apply to, and is there a limit to how many I should apply to? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hey! I understand the excitement and curiosity of exploring potential colleges. There's no hard and fast rule for the number of colleges you should apply to, as it varies from person to person. However, I can give you a general idea based on my experience with my own child's college application process. Typically, students apply to around 8-12 colleges, including a mix of reach, match, and safety schools. Reach schools are those where your chances of getting in are slim, match schools are where your academic credentials align with the school's expectations, and safety schools are where you have a high probability of getting accepted. It's important to have a balanced list to maximize your chances of getting into a college that's the right fit for you. That being said, applying to too many colleges can be overwhelming and time-consuming, so make sure you're able to devote enough time and effort to each application. Good luck on your college search!

a year ago

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