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Impact of extracurriculars for college admissions

How much do extracurricular activities matter when it comes to college admissions? I'm a little worried because my list of extracurriculars seems pretty average compared to others I've seen. Are my chances of getting into a good university hurt by this?

8 months ago

Extracurricular activities play a significant role in the college admissions process because they provide insight into your interests, passions, and character outside of the classroom. However, it's important to remember that quality is more important than quantity when it comes to extracurricular activities.

Most successful applicants to top colleges have around 8-10 extracurricular activities, many of which are seasonal (like sports). These students are usually highly involved in a few activities, because colleges tend to value students with a highly-developed specialty, also known as a "spike." Being exceptionally dedicated in one particular area will help distinguish you from other applicants who are otherwise similarly qualified.

If you feel your extracurricular activities are average, you still have the opportunity to stand out by highlighting how the involvements you do have demonstrate your unique interests and passion. It's better to have a few deeply meaningful, impactful activities where you've shown growth, leadership, and a strong level of commitment rather than a long list of activities with minimal involvement.

Moreover, while extracurriculars are important, they are just one part of the holistic admissions process. Your academic background, essays, and recommendations will all be considered alongside those activities. So, even if you feel that your extracurriculars may be average, you can still strengthen your application through your academic achievements and other aspects of your profile.

Remember, there are many factors contributing to your overall application, and different universities prioritize different aspects. Focus on accentuating your strengths and passions, and try to convey a compelling, authentic narrative through your essays rather than stressing too much about your extracurriculars. There's no one right way to get into a good college, after all, so with dedication and strategic choices, your chances of acceptance will not necessarily be hurt by your current list of extracurriculars. Best of luck with the college process!

8 months ago

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