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How do colleges view community college classes?

Hey everyone, I'm a junior and I've taken a few classes at my local community college. How do colleges view these classes during the admissions process? Do they consider them as rigorous as AP classes? Thanks!

a year ago

Hi there! It's great that you've taken the initiative to enroll in community college classes while still in high school. Colleges will typically view these classes as a positive addition to your academic profile. While it might not be exactly the same as taking AP classes, they still demonstrate your ability to handle college-level coursework and your commitment to furthering your education beyond the standard high school curriculum. The way colleges view community college classes can also depend on the specific institution and the types of courses you've taken. For instance, if you've taken courses that are related to your intended major or field of study, it could be seen as a strong indicator of your passion and dedication to that subject. In general, though, taking community college classes while in high school can only help to strengthen your college application. Just make sure to maintain a strong GPA in your high school courses as well, as that will also play an important role in the admissions process. Best of luck!

a year ago

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