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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Wharton Summer Programs for High School - Worth It?

I've been looking into Wharton's summer programs for high schoolers recently. Have any of you tried out these programs, and would you say they're worth the cost and time commitment? Any input would be much appreciated.

10 months ago

It's important to consider your goals and what you hope to gain from attending a Wharton summer program before deciding on whether it's worth the investment. These programs can provide valuable exposure to business concepts, offer networking opportunities, and give you a taste of the college experience at an esteemed institution like Wharton. However, they tend to be expensive, so it's essential to consider the return on investment.

Keep in mind that while prestigious summer programs can help you explore your interests and develop your skills, attending one will not necessarily provide a significant boost to your college application. Admissions officers are more interested in seeing your sustained commitment to an area of interest, depth of involvement, and the impact you've made through your extracurricular activities, rather than participation in just a single, one-off program.

If you can afford the program and you're genuinely excited about being exposed to business concepts in an intensive, immersive environment, it could be worth the time and cost. However, if you're considering the program solely as a way to improve your application, there are more productive ways of investing your time, such as by pursuing internships, starting a club or business venture, or participating in relevant academic competitions.

Or, if you're set on a summer program, consider checking out CollegeVine's list of other options, many of which are less expensive and may be viewed as comparable to Wharton's by admissions officers:

Ultimately, the value of a Wharton summer program depends on your specific situation and interests. If you think the experience aligns with your passions and you/your family can afford it, the program can be a great opportunity for personal and academic growth. If you're looking to improve your college application, though, focusing on developing your interests further through other sustained and meaningful extracurricular activities might be more beneficial. Best of luck with your business-related endeavors!

10 months ago

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