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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How significant is making honor roll in high school?

Hello! I was wondering if making the honor roll in high school is a big deal or not. Does it help with college admissions, or is it just an added bonus on your transcript?

8 months ago

Hello! Making honor roll in high school can be a positive aspect of your application, but it's not necessarily a game-changer for college admissions. The significance of the honor roll mostly depends on the college's admission standards and the other parts of your application.

The primary factor college admissions officers consider is your overall academic performance, which includes your GPA, course rigor, and the grades you've earned in your classes. Therefore, making the honor roll serves as a reinforcement of your strong academic achievement, rather than a separate contributing factor in admissions.

However, the honor roll can serve as an additional confirmation for colleges that you consistently perform well academically. At highly selective colleges where the majority of applicants have high GPAs and similar accolades, it will likely have less of an impact on your application, since the competition is fierce.

In summary, making the honor roll is a positive addition to your transcript, but it won't make or break your chances at college admissions. Demonstrating strong academic performance through a high GPA and challenging courses is more important. Focus on maintaining strong grades, pursuing extracurricular activities that showcase your passions and expertise, and crafting a well-rounded application to increase your chances of admission to your desired colleges.

8 months ago

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