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Submitting ACT Scores to Colleges

So I took the ACT and I'm pretty happy with my score. But how do I actually submit these scores to colleges? Is there a specific process I should follow?

11 months ago

Congratulations on your ACT score! To submit your ACT scores to colleges, you'll need to go through the following steps:

1. Log in to your ACT account: If you haven't already, create an online account at the ACT website ( Once logged in, you'll be able to access your scores and manage the sending process.

2. Select your colleges: Go to the "Send Your Scores" section, where you can select the colleges you want to send your scores to. You can search for colleges by their individual names or by using college codes, which can be found through the ACT's online code search tool.

3. Choose your scores: The ACT allows you to choose which test date(s) you want to send to colleges. You can send scores from multiple test dates, or just select your highest score, depending on the specific requirements or policies of the colleges you're applying to. Some colleges require "all scores," while others permit "score choice," where you can select your best score.

4. Pay the fees: For each college you are sending your scores to, there will be a fee (unless you're using any of your four free score sends that come with your test registration). The fee may vary depending on location and how quickly you need the scores to be sent. Provide your payment information and review your request before submitting it.

5. Keep track of deadlines: Make sure to send your scores well ahead of college application deadlines. Regular score reports may take 2-4 weeks to reach colleges, while priority reports (which are more expensive) take about 1-2 weeks. Be mindful that colleges might have different deadlines for test scores compared to their application materials. It's always good to double-check the deadlines and allow for some buffer time before sending your scores.

6. Confirmation and tracking: After submitting your score request, the ACT will send you a confirmation email. You can also track the progress of your score sends through your ACT account.

Remember to double-check the test score policies of each college you're applying to, as they may have specific requirements or preferences for score submission. Good luck with your college applications!

11 months ago

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