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What's it like being a dentist?

Hey all, I'm considering pursuing dentistry after my undergraduate studies. Can anyone share their experience or insights about what it's like being a dentist? What are the pros and cons? Thanks!

10 months ago

Hey there! It's great that you're considering dentistry as a profession. To give you a better understanding of what it's like being a dentist, here are some pros and cons based on the experiences and insights of dentists and dental students:


1. Job stability: Dentistry is generally considered a stable and recession-resistant profession. People will always need dental care, and demand for dental services is expected to grow as the population ages.

2. Good income potential: Dentists can make a comfortable living, with the median annual wage for dentists being well above the national average. Income potential can vary, though, depending on factors like location, whether you're in private practice or with a group, and your years of experience.

3. Flexibility in work arrangements: Many dentists have the ability to choose their practice setting or establish their own dental business. This autonomy allows you to have better control over your work hours, balance professional and personal responsibilities, and even take an entrepreneurial route if that interests you.

4. A rewarding profession: Dentists help improve patients' oral health and overall well-being, which can be very fulfilling. You'll have the opportunity to build relationships with patients and see the positive effects of your work.

5. Constant learning and professional growth: Dentistry is a field that is continually evolving, so staying on top of new techniques, technologies, and materials keeps you learning and growing as a professional.


1. Educational and financial commitment: Becoming a dentist requires significant investment in both time and money. Dental school typically takes four years to complete after earning a bachelor's degree. In addition, the cost of dental school can be quite high, so many students graduate with substantial debt.

2. Stress and burnout: The demands of running a dental practice and treating patients can be stressful. Dentists may experience burnout, especially if they're dealing with challenges such as managing employees, staying on top of insurance claims, marketing their practice, and maintaining productivity.

3. Physical demands: The work of a dentist can be physically demanding, as it often involves spending long hours in awkward positions or performing repetitive tasks. This can lead to musculoskeletal issues later on, such as carpal tunnel syndrome or neck, back, or shoulder pain.

4. Challenging patient interactions: Dentists may frequently encounter patients who have dental anxiety or difficulty cooperating with treatment. Managing these situations can be mentally and emotionally draining, but it's an unavoidable part of the job.

5. Liability and responsibility: As a healthcare provider, dentists have a high level of responsibility for their patients' well-being, and with that comes potential legal liability. Properly managing patient care, accurate record-keeping, and adhering to industry regulations are crucial in mitigating this risk.

These are just some broad aspects of being a dentist, and each individual's experience will vary. However, for many people, the rewards of a career in dentistry outweigh the challenges. To gain more insights, try connecting with dentists or dental students to hear about their experiences firsthand. Good luck in your decision-making process!

10 months ago

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