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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How can I get involved in research during high school?

Hello everyone! I'm a junior and I'm really interested in getting involved in research during high school. I think it would be a great way to explore my interests and potentially strengthen my college applications. Can anyone offer any advice on how to find research opportunities or share their experiences with research during high school? Thanks a lot!

a year ago

Hello! It's great to hear that you're interested in getting involved in research during high school. My child had a similar interest and successfully found research opportunities, so I'd be happy to share some tips based on our experience. First, try reaching out to your science or math teachers, as they might be aware of research opportunities within your school or have connections to local universities or research institutes. Additionally, research competitions like Intel ISEF, Regeneron STS, or Google Science Fair can be a great way to showcase your research skills and gain recognition. Another option is to email professors at nearby universities who are conducting research in areas you're interested in. Be sure to introduce yourself, explain your interest in their research, and inquire about any potential opportunities for high school students to get involved. Don't be discouraged if you don't hear back immediately, as it might take several attempts before finding a suitable opportunity. Remember, persistence is key! Good luck on your research journey, and I hope you find an exciting opportunity to explore your interests!

a year ago

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