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Case Western pre-med ranking

I've been doing some research on pre-med programs, and Case Western caught my eye. Does anyone know where they rank in terms of pre-med programs? Are they well-regarded?

10 months ago

Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) in Cleveland, Ohio, is widely known for its strong science and engineering programs, which can provide a solid foundation for students planning to pursue medical school. Although there isn't an official ranking specific to pre-med programs, CWRU is highly regarded for its emphasis on research, outstanding faculty, and a collaborative learning environment, all of which can be beneficial to pre-med students.

Moreover, CWRU has affiliations with several world-class medical institutions, such as the Cleveland Clinic and University Hospitals, giving students access to clinical experiences, research opportunities, and mentorship. Furthermore, CWRU has a strong track record of preparing students for the MCAT and boasts an above-average medical school acceptance rate.

It's important to consider that pre-med isn't a specific major at CWRU; rather, students choose a major and follow a pre-med track, which includes prerequisite courses for medical school such as biology, chemistry, and physics. Many students choose majors like biology, biochemistry, or biomedical engineering for their pre-med preparation.

10 months ago

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