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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Sending SAT scores to colleges without the extra cost?

I recently took the SAT and I was wondering if there's a way to send my scores to colleges without paying the extra fee. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

10 months ago

Yes, there is a way! The College Board provides you with four free score reports that you can send to colleges if you select the schools within nine days of taking the exam. To do this, log into your College Board account and choose the four colleges you'd like to send the scores to. Keep in mind that once you select the colleges, you won't be able to change or cancel the score reports, so choose wisely.

If you miss the nine-day window, unfortunately, you'll have to pay the standard fee to send your SAT scores to colleges. However, it's worth noting that some colleges allow you to self-report test scores on your application, which means you don't need to send in official score reports until you're accepted and decide to enroll. Make sure to check each college's policy on self-reporting test scores to see if this option is available to you.

Additionally, if you qualify for a fee waiver for the SAT itself, you'll also receive additional benefits, such as unlimited score sends to colleges and waivers for college application fees. In order to be eligible for a fee waiver, you'll need to meet certain income eligibility requirements, so check with your high school counselor for more information on how to apply for a fee waiver.

10 months ago

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