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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Undergrad degrees for med school?

Hey everyone! I'm a junior in high school and I already know I want to go to medical school. What undergraduate degrees should I consider to increase my chances of getting into a good medical school? Are there any preferred majors or does it not matter that much?

10 months ago

Hello! It's great that you already know you want to go to medical school. When it comes to choosing an undergraduate major, medical schools generally do not have a strong preference for any specific major. They care more about you being a well-rounded applicant and excelling in your selected major rather than focusing solely on science degrees. That said, there are some common majors for pre-med students, including biology, chemistry, and other natural sciences.

However, majoring in a non-science field can actually be beneficial for your medical school application because it helps you stand out among other applicants and demonstrates intellectual diversity. Just make sure you complete the pre-med coursework (which includes subjects like biology, chemistry, and physics) required by most medical schools, regardless of your major.

10 months ago

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