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Getting an internship as a high schooler?

Yo, I'm currently a junior in high school and I'm wondering how to score an internship while I'm still in school. Could you guys share some advice or experiences on finding internships or opportunities suitable for high school students? Thanks for any help!

10 months ago

Hey there! Kudos for looking into internships during high school – that's a great way to gain exposure to potential future careers. Here are some steps you can follow to find suitable internships:

1. Identify your interests: Start by considering what kind of internship you'd like, whether it's a specific field (e.g., engineering, finance, arts) or a type of role (e.g., research, marketing, programming). This will help you target opportunities that align with your goals.

2. Research organizations and companies: Look into local businesses, non-profit organizations, and research institutions in your area that operate within your field of interest. Many larger organizations have formal internship programs, while smaller entities might be open to taking on high school interns even if they have not advertised it.

3. Network: Talk to your teachers, school counselors, relatives, or older friends who might have connections in their professional networks. They could potentially help you land an internship or at least provide guidance on available opportunities.

4. Leverage online resources: Sites like,, and LinkedIn can be useful for finding opportunities tailored to high school students. Additionally, local government or community organizations may have lists of internships available in your area.

5. Reach out directly: Be proactive! Even if you don't find an internship program, reach out to organizations that interest you through email or phone to inquire about opportunities. Provide a brief introduction about yourself, express your interest in their work, and ask if they'd be open to hosting a high school intern. Attach your resume or LinkedIn profile link for reference.

6. Cold-email or cold-call: Reach out to your connections, even if they are remote or indirect. Explain your interest in their work and your eagerness to learn. Networking can lead to opportunities that might not be listed online.

7. Prepare in advance: Ensure that you have an updated resume, references, and writing samples (if applicable) ready when applying for internships or making inquiries. These will help you present yourself professionally and increase your chances of landing an opportunity.

8. Be persistent and patient: Finding an internship as a high school student can be challenging, especially when many internships target college students. Don't be discouraged by rejections or delays – keep searching, applying, and following up on leads.

10 months ago

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