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SAT: 720 math
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Do colleges look at senior first quarter grades?

Hi there! As a high school senior, I'm curious if colleges take a look at first quarter senior year grades, especially for Regular Decision applicants. Do they play a big role in the admission process?

a year ago

Yes, colleges do look at first quarter senior year grades, particularly for Regular Decision applicants. Your first quarter grades are important, as they indicate your academic performance during your final year of high school and reveal whether you are maintaining or improving your academic performance. They also demonstrate to colleges that you're continuing to challenge yourself, even as you near the end of high school.

While first quarter senior grades do play a role in the admissions process, their significance can vary depending on the college and the rest of your application. Some colleges may weigh your senior year grades heavily if they believe your academic trajectory is still catching up or if they want to see more evidence of your readiness for college-level work. On the other hand, some colleges might put less emphasis on your first quarter grades if your overall academic performance has been consistently strong.

I hope this clears things up for you.

a year ago

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