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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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UC campus size comparison?

Hey everyone, I'm interested in applying to some UC schools, but I'm curious about their campus sizes. Can anyone help me rank them by size? Thanks a lot!

10 months ago

Hello! I'd be happy to help you rank the University of California campuses by size. The UC system has ten campuses spread throughout California. Here is the ranking based on campus size in acres:

1. UC Santa Cruz: 2,000+ acres

2. UC Merced: 815 acres

3. UC Berkeley: 1,232 acres

4. UC Davis: 5,300 acres (main campus - 1,200+ acres)

5. UC Santa Barbara: 1,026 acres

6. UC Riverside: 1,200 acres

7. UC San Diego: 1,200+ acres

8. UC Irvine: 1,525 acres

9. UCLA: 419 acres

10. UC San Francisco: not ranked as it is primarily a graduate and professional school specializing in health sciences.

Keep in mind that these numbers are approximate and include natural and research areas as well. It's important to consider not just the physical size but also other factors like student population, academic opportunities, campus culture, and location. So, make sure to research and visit the campuses if possible to find the best fit for you. Good luck with your college search!

10 months ago

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