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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is applying Early Decision actually worth it?

Hey guys, I'm a current high school junior and I've been hearing a lot about Early Decision (ED). I'm wondering if it's really worth it to apply ED to a college? Can it significantly improve my chances of getting in? Also, what if I change my mind about the school later? I'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences with this process. Thanks!

2 years ago

Hey there! It's great that you're thinking about your college application process early. Early Decision can indeed be beneficial in some cases, as it shows your commitment to the college and might improve your chances of getting in. Some colleges have higher acceptance rates for ED applicants compared to Regular Decision. However, it's important to note that ED is a binding agreement, and you should only apply if you're sure that the college is your top choice and that you're comfortable with the financial aspects. If you're accepted, you must attend that school and withdraw all other applications. In case you change your mind later, it would be really difficult to back out without facing consequences, so think it through carefully. It might be helpful to visit the campus and research the school thoroughly before making a decision. If you're not entirely sure, you could consider applying Early Action (EA) instead, which is non-binding and still gives you an early response. Best of luck with your applications!

2 years ago

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