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What's a good persuasive speech topic?

Hey everyone, I need to come up with a persuasive speech topic for my English class. Anyone have any unique and engaging topic ideas? I'd love some suggestions!

8 months ago

Hello! It's important to choose a persuasive speech topic you're passionate about, as that will make your argument more convincing and engaging. Here are a few unique and thought-provoking topics you could consider:

1. The impact of social media on mental health: Argue for or against greater regulation and the responsibility of social media platforms in protecting users' mental well-being.

2. Animal rights and the ethics of zoos: Present arguments for or against keeping animals in captivity for entertainment purposes, touching upon welfare and conservation aspects.

3. Universal basic income: Discuss the feasibility and potential benefits or drawbacks of a universal basic income system, and whether it could effectively address poverty and income inequality.

4. Space exploration and colonization: Deliberate the merits of continued investment in space exploration, and whether humanity should prioritize efforts to colonize other planets.

5. The future of artificial intelligence: Explore the implications of rapid AI development and potential ethical issues, such as job displacement, privacy concerns, and bias in algorithms.

Remember to research your chosen topic thoroughly to present a compelling and well-informed argument. Good luck with your persuasive speech!

8 months ago

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